Tests of fundamental interactions and metrology
Advances in atomic physics and laser technology are utilized to measure fundamental physical constants with high precision and to conduct ultra-precise tests of quantum electrodynamics and other fundamental theories.
Atom interferometry
S. Guellati, P. Cladé
Quantum Tests with Hydrogen
In the Quantum Tests with Hydrogen team, we are doing accurate experiments with simplest atoms. As their structures and properties can be calculated very precisely, the comparison between experiments and theory allows testing fundamental physics.
Exotic ions
In the Exotic Ions team, we investigate the extremes of atomic structure. Through high-precision x-ray spectroscopy of ions produced in accelerator facilities and with antimatter, we aim to deepen our understanding of strong-field QED and other fundamental interactions.
Trapped ions
The Trapped Ions team develops precision measurements on molecular and atomic ions, using the technique of “sympathetic cooling” by laser-cooled Be+ ions. The team also carries out theoretical work on one of the systems it studies experimentally, the molecular hydrogen ion H2+, and more generally on three-body Coulombic systems. The team is also involved in the GBAR project developed at CERN.