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The list below shows the publications of the Kastler Brossel Laboratory in peer-reviewed journal articles, sorted by year of publication. Publication lists by research team can be found on the individual research team pages (main menu “Research”).

The list below presents all publications from the Kastler Brossel Laboratory in peer-reviewed journal articles, sorted by year of publication.

Color-Tunable Mixed-Cation Perovskite Single Photon Emitters | ACS Photonics. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acsphotonics.2c01437.
Given the variety of fluid properties and the possible fast variations within, the description of the system as two homogeneous media adopted in Section 2 and amenable to analytical solutions is not valid everywhere. Instead we must calculate the flow profile and quantum fluctuations at all points. To this end, we use the Truncated Wigner Approximation (see Appendix B) to evolve the wave function and obtain the properties of the fluid at all points in the cavity as well as the dynamics of the Bogoliubov excitations therein. This numerical method is adapted to analogue systems based on atomic as well as polaritonic quantum fluids [21, 43]. Here, it enables the study of vacuum emission on highly varying backgrounds. All maps result from a statistical average over 106 Monte-Carlo realisations.
zNL = 1 gρ(0,L) ,.
τ = z/zNL.
i ∂ψ ∂τ = ( −1 2  ̃ ∇2⊥ + |ψ|2 ) ψ.
D1 and D2 lines of 87Rb using a 4-level atom model.
ultra-cold Cesium atoms.
However, a simple 4level atom model is sufficient to demonstrate the lack of squeezing.
We show that short Bragg pulses used for the phase imprinting technique in an atomic BEC [26] can be achieved in a photon fluid by using wave front shaping with a spatial light modulator.
relation for a homogeneous Bose gas.
To map the NLSE onto the GPE, we define an effective time τ ¼ z=c. This space-time mapping means that each transverse plane inside the nonlinear medium is formally analogous to a 2D Bose gas of photons after the corresponding effective time of evolution τ. Since the z dimension acts as an effective time dimension, this configuration is referred as 2D þ 1 geometry.
Within space-time mapping, ΩB has units of an inverse length.
a measurement of the static structure factor, that characterizes the density-density correlations of the elementary excitations, has not yet been reported for a fluid of light.
revealing indirectly the presence of nontrivial pair correlations in a paraxial fluid of ligh.
We then present a measurement of the static structure factor in agreement with the Feynman.
For α ≤ 13 cm−1 (transmission larger than 60%), we verified numerically that absorption can be neglected since it does not modify significantly the behavior of our system.
First, we only have access to one value of t which is given, in our analogy, by the length of the nonlinear medium. Therefore, instead of probing the density perturbation as a function of time, we probe it as a function of kx at fixed effective time τ ¼ L=c.
dispersion relation from the minima of δn, and the zero temperature static structure factor from the maxima of δn.
This is in fact a general strength of paraxial fluids of light, since any phase modulation (analogous to any short external potential) can be applied on the initial state of our system.
Interference fringes along the transverse axis x with wave vector kx and fringes along the propagation axis z (i.e., effective time τ) with frequency ΩBðkxÞ can be observed.
since we can only see it at the effective times τ ¼ 0 and τ ¼ L=c.
where U is a constant quantifying the excitation strength.
Figure 4 clearly shows that SðkxÞ is highly reduced at low kx (long wavelength). This can be explained by the creation of correlated pairs at þkx and −kx.
which minimize the total energy of the system, known as quantum depletion.
Using the Bogoliubov approach, this configuration can be understood as a linear superposition of plane waves counterpropagating in the transverse plane with opposite wave vectors þkx and −kx and oscillating in z at the angular frequency ΩBðkxÞ as represented in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b).
Talbot effect.
he reduction of the fringe period along z reflects the difference between the free-particle dispersion (a) and the Bogoliubov dispersion (b) due to the interaction energy.
which indicates the presence of interactions.
ΩBðk⊥Þ¼c ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi jΔnjk2⊥ þ  k2⊥ 2k0  2 s.
healing length ξ ¼ðλ=2Þ ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ½1=ðjΔ.
eparation in real space and momentum space of spin-polarized exciton–polaritons generated by a laser in a semiconductor microcavity.
the spin Hall effect results in a spin current owing to the spin-dependent scattering of electrons by charged impurities or other defects (extrinsic SHE1,9) or to the spin–orbit effects on the carrier energy dispersion (intrinsic SHE10,11).
spin currents carried by (neutral) exciton–polaritons in a semiconductor microcavity and propagating coherently over 100 μm.
A splitting in energy between polaritons with transverse electric and transverse magnetic linear polarizations causes different spin currents to develop in different quadrants of the elastic circle.
the polariton spin state can be controlled by an appropriate polarized excitation and can be analysed by a polarization-resolved detection.
The OSHE is the precession of the pseudospin of the polariton around an effective magnetic field,.
Similar to the role of the Rashba field in the intrinsic SHE10,11, the effective magnetic field causes different polarizations to develop in different directions in the OSHE.
The nonlinearity comes from the exciton part of the polariton through coherent exciton-exciton scattering.
has opened the way to a refined manipulation of a new species, cavity polaritons, that are mixed light-matter eigenstates.
Because of the translational invariance in the cavity plane, photons can only interact with excitons.
having the same k.
anharmonic saturation term in the light-exciton coupling.
tot=20 mW.
Straightforward retrieval of dispersion in a dense atomic vapor helped by buffer gas-assisted radiation channeling. https://opg.optica.org/josab/fulltext.cfm?uri=josab-34-4-877&id=362451.
Zondy, J.-J. et al. Frequency doubling of CO2 laser radiation at 10.6 μm in the highly nonlinear chalcopyrite LiGaTe2. Opt. Lett. 32, 1722 (2007).
Zhou, X. et al. Field Locked to a Fock State by Quantum Feedback with Single Photon Corrections. Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 243602 (2012).
Zhao, S. et al. Single-pixel transmission matrix recovery via two-photon fluorescence. Science Advances (2024) http://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.adi3442.
Zhang, K., Li, H., Jing, J., Treps, N. & Walschaers, M. Purification of Gaussian States by Photon Subtraction. Preprint at https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2409.03473 (2024).

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