
The exotic atoms and heavy ions team works on exploring bound-state quantum electrodynamics in extreme Coulomb fields.

In few body, high-Z atomic systems like H-like uranium or antiprotonic or muonic atoms, the atomic bound states are found in electric field strengths that are stronger than the most powerful lasers on earth. In these extreme fields, the interactions with the quantum vacuum become enhanced, and by studying with high precision the bound state structure of these exotic atomic systems, we can probe the details of QED in the non-perturbative regime, study fundamental interactions, and even (maybe) look for hints of new physics.

The team is composed of both experimentalists and theorists who work together on experiments at exotic beam facilities around the world including in Paris, CERN, Japan, and Switzerland.

The team


Our team consists of two PIs, Paul Indelicato and Nancy Paul, and a handful of wonderful postdocs, PhD students, and undergraduate and master’s interns, who work regularly with our many close international collaborators.

Learn more about Paul Indelicato and Nancy Paul on their profile pages, or to see the whole group:

Consult team directory


We are always looking for bright, motivated people to join the team. Don’t hesitate to contact one of the team leaders with a CV and motivation letter if you want to join the adventure.

Consult jobs


Exotic ionsPublished on 27/05/2024


