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Legal Notices

You are currently on the website https://lkb.fr (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), published by: Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (LKB) – EPST.
UMR8552 / CNRS / Ecole Normale Supérieure / Sorbonne Université / Collège de France

Email address: lkb-dir@lkb.ens.fr

Publication Director

The publication director is Antoine Heidmann.

Editorial Manager

Antoine Heidmann


The Site is hosted by: TRAVERS MEDIA, whose registered office is located at 29 RUE DES ORTEAUX 75020 PARIS, with the phone number: 01 48 06 35 13.


The LKB is committed to making its Site accessible in accordance with Article 47 of Law No. 2005-102 of February 11, 2005, for equal rights and opportunities, participation, and citizenship of people with disabilities, and the General Accessibility Improvement Framework (RGM).

Declaration established on 31/07/2024, updated on 31/07/2024.

The LKB declares that this Site is not compliant with the RGM.

Intellectual Property

The content, texts, including videos, trademarks, logos, and images that appear or are available on the Site are protected by intellectual property law. You agree not to use, extract, copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit, or distribute content from the Site protected by intellectual property law without prior written authorization from LKB.

The acronym “CNRS,” the term “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,” and the CNRS logo are registered trademarks. In this context, it is forbidden to refer to the corporate names or trademarks of the CNRS for any purpose without prior express written authorization from the CNRS.

The acronym “ENS,” the term “Ecole Normale Supérieure,” and the ENS logo are registered trademarks. In this context, it is forbidden to refer to the corporate names or trademarks of the ENS for any purpose without prior express written authorization from the ENS.

The term “Sorbonne Université” and the Sorbonne Université logo are registered trademarks. In this context, it is forbidden to refer to the corporate names or trademarks of Sorbonne Université for any purpose without prior express written authorization from Sorbonne Université.

The term “Collège de France” and the Collège de France logo are registered trademarks. In this context, it is forbidden to refer to the corporate names or trademarks of Collège de France for any purpose without prior express written authorization from Collège de France.

Similarly, it is forbidden to use the name or logo of Laboratoire Kastler Brossel without prior written authorization from the supervisory authorities of this Laboratory.


The reproduction of a link from this Site to a site published by a third party does not constitute validation of that site or its content by the LKB and its supervisory authorities.

The LKB and its supervisory authorities cannot be held responsible for the content produced on a third-party site to which links are established, or any other information published on that site, as well as the consequences of their use.

The establishment of hyperlinks by third parties to pages or documents published on the LKB site is authorized provided that the links do not contravene the interests of the LKB and its supervisory authorities and that they guarantee the possibility for the user to identify the origin and author of the document. It is specified that the establishment of such hyperlinks for the commercial promotion of products or services offered by a third party is prohibited.


The LKB and its supervisory authorities cannot be held responsible for any damages resulting from the interpretation or use of the content available on this Site.

Reporting Illegal Content

If you believe that any content is illegal according to Article 6-I of Law No. 2004-575 of June 21, 2004, for confidence in the digital economy, you can notify the host by sending an email to communication.lkb@lkb.ens.fr