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Frontiers and applications

Building up on their expertise in fundamental physics, several teams are exploring the frontiers of their field of research and develop methods that can benefit other disciplines or innovative technologies. A number of these projects are carried out within the framework of international collaborations or industrial partnerships.

Technology transfer and innovation

Although our research is mostly of fundamental nature, our scientific results and the technological developments performed in our experiments often lead to applications. This has been further reinforced in recent years with the rapid evolution of quantum technologies, both at European and national levels, and by the increasing presence of industrial partners in our collaborative programs. We are therefore working on the technology transfer of our research, in particular through the registration of patents and the creation of startups.

The last few years have seen the creation of 4 startups:

  • Cailabs for the industrialization of spatial mode converters for telecommunication and industrial laser processes.
  • LightOn for the development of efficient and fast optical computing using the concept of light diffusion in complex media.
  • Welinq for the development of atom-based quantum memories that will both create repeaters for quantum communications and link quantum processors together.
  • Mirega to build a miniature gas measurement device based on a fiber Fabry-Perot microcavity.

Gravitation, metrology and large-scale programs

The laboratory is involved in several large-scale collaborations and programs, notably in the domains of gravitation and metrology. The LKB brings its expertise in atomic and ions physics, and in lasers and quantum optics.

The laboratory has participated in two Equipex (Equipements d’Excellence programs): REFIMEVE+ which aims at developing precise time transfer over the research internet network RENATER, and MIGA to design new gravitational-wave detectors based on cold-atoms interferometry. The laboratory is also part of the EquipEx+ T-REFIMEVE, designed to provide a complete set of time and frequency signals at the best international level that metrology laboratories can deliver.

Another large-scale project, which involves 3 groups at LKB, is the program aiming at testing the Einstein Equivalence Principle with antimatter, called Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest (GBAR). LKB teams are involved in several aspects of this project: the positronium excitation, the photodetachment, trapping and sympathetic cooling of the resulting antimatter ions H+, and the quantum reflection of antihydrogen atoms in the free-fall chamber.

The LKB is also a member of the Virgo-LIGO Collaboration and participates in the development of the new generation of Advanced Virgo gravitational-wave interferometer, in particular for parametric instabilities induced by radiation pressure and for the implementation of a frequency-dependent squeezed light source to reduce the quantum noises over a wide frequency band.

Space missions

As for large-scale programs described above, the LKB provides its expertise in different space missions, with the objectives of testing in space fundamental concepts in physics such as general relativity or quantum laws.

This is the case for the Pharao/ACES space mission which will use very accurate clocks in space to make important fundamental tests of general relativity and synchronization of ground atomic clocks worldwide. The LKB together with SYRTE are the main investigators of the project.

LKB teams are also involved in the Microscope space mission which was launched in 2016 and achieved the best ever test of the equivalence principle. Finally, the laboratory is interested in new ideas of physics in space such as testing quantum decoherence of massive objects (MAQRO space mission project).

Interface between physics, biology and medicine

Several teams are leading research at the interface between physics, biology and medicine, often in close collaboration with other laboratories or institutes. In particular, we use our expertise in optical pumping techniques to produce hyperpolarised gases of 3He and 129Xe that can be used for magnetic resonance imaging of lungs with potential applications for diagnosis in hospitals.

We also exploit wavefront shaping tools to control light in complex media, with strong applications in biology and tissues imaging where scattering hinders the ability to image at depth and where the control of scattered light opens the possibility to image at unprecedented depth.

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