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Quantum optics and quantum information

This research axis brings together experimental and theoretical research that build on the fundamental concepts of quantum physics to develop applications in quantum information, quantum communication and quantum simulation.
An important part of this theme is based on the generation of non-classical states of light applied to the creation of complex quantum networks, to the study of the quantum limit of an interferometric measurement or to the manipulation of opto-mechanical systems. The experiments also rely on the manipulation of ultra-cold atoms for the realization of quantum memories and the quantum simulation of many-body problems.


There are three teams in this division:

Rydberg atoms

The Rydberg atoms team manipulates individual circular Rydberg atoms for the realization of quantum simulators. The simulators exploit the unique properties of those giant atoms, strong dipole-dipole interactions and very long lifetimes, to reach yet unexplored simulation regimes. The experiments of the team enable the laser trapping in array of optical tweezers of circular Rydberg levels of Rubidium or Strontium, or the inhibition of spontaneous emission.

Quantum optics

The Quantum optics team focuses on the generation of quantum states of radiation, the study of sensitivity limits in optical measurements, and the exploration of quantum properties in optical systems with a large number of spatial or temporal degrees of freedom (multimode quantum optics). Manipulating quantum fluctuations of light, by generating quantum correlations and entangled states, allows the creation of memories for storing quantum information in quantum information processing devices.
The group is also interested in topics at the interface with condensed matter physics, such as quantum gases of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities and the production of single or entangled photons using semiconductor nanocrystals.

Optomechanics and quantum measurements

The Optomechanics and quantum measurements team studies the quantum effects of radiation pressure and entanglement through optomechanical coupling between light and micro or nano-mechanical resonators. Beyond understanding the quantum limits in optical measurements, these studies have applications in ultra-sensitive devices such as gravitational wave antennas and in observing quantum fluctuations of a macroscopic mechanical resonator.

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