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13/04/202314:00LKB workshops


Niels Bohr: Transcendental Physicist

Bohr’s understanding of quantum theory, not to be confused with the ‘Copenhagen Interpretation’, stemmed from his attempt to address “the problem of how objectivity may be retained during the growth of experience beyond the events of daily life.”A defining trait of transcendental philosophy regards objectivity as not given (a perspective-free picture of reality) but a problem requiring solution. Neither a philosopher nor adherent of any philosophical school, Bohr’s transcendental solution to the problem of objective description in quantum theory locates it within « conditions of the possibility of unambiguous communication » of experimental setups and results of measurement. In this regard, Bohr is a precursor of contemporary interpretations of the quantum state, according to which the meaning of the quantum state consists in information to better inform expectations of those employing it.

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