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Equivalence principle & quantum physics

Space test of the equivalence principle

The MICROSCOPE mission has been the first spatial test of the Equivalence Principle. It has now been completed successfully and has proven that bodies fall in vacuum with the same acceleration regardless of their composition or mass, with the best ever precision of a few 10-15 for this test.

This result confirms the equivalence principle which is the cornerstone of General Relativity proposed by Albert Einstein more than a century ago. The theory is found to agree with the many tests of gravity performed to this purpose, but it is in its current form incompatible with quantum field theory,

Most of the numerous theories proposed to unify gravitation and quantum physics predict a violation of the equivalence principle. Testing the principle thus amounts to looking at the foundations of general relativity, improving constraints on new theories and any new interaction beyond the Standard Model.

MICROSCOPE was a CNES microsatellite, equipped with ONERA accelerometers. Data analysis was carried out by Geoazur (CNRS/OCA/UCA), ONERA and CNES with the support of the Science Working Group (CNRS, IHES, Imperial College, Univ. of Bremen, DLR, Univ. of Delft, IGN).

Publication of the final results

MICROSCOPE Mission: Final Results of the Test of the Equivalence Principle,
Pierre Touboul et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 121102 (2022) https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.129.121102

Special issue in Classical and Quantum Gravity containing 11 papers covering the various aspects of the mission
Pierre Touboul et.al, CQG Volume 39, Number 20 (2022): https://iopscience.iop.org/issue/0264-9381/39/20

Serge Reynaud presents the scientific motivations for the Microscope mission during the press release announcing its final results at CNES headquarters.

Quantum measurement of the free fall of anti-hydrogen

The project GBAR (Gravitational Behaviour of Antihydrogen at Rest) aims at measuring the free fall acceleration of neutral anti-hydrogen atoms in the Earth gravity field. It is an international collaboration at CERN including around fifteen institutes. Several groups of our laboratory are involved in it.

Anti-hydrogen atoms with a very low energy above a surface experience quantum reflection over the Casimir potential (this is described in another page on this site). This can in principle be used to measure the free fall acceleration with an improved accuracy In future generations of the GBAR project.

We have proposed a new solution, using quantum interferences between the quantum states in the trap to measure the free fall acceleration. Monte-Carlo simulations predict an improvement of precision by three orders of magnitude with respect to the classical timing method to be used in the first generations of GBAR,

  • Quantum interference test of the equivalence principle on antihydrogen, P.-P. Crépin, C. Christen, R. Guérout, V. V. Nesvizhevsky, A.Yu. Voronin, and S. Reynaud, Phys. Rev. A 99 042119 (2019)
  • Quantum interference measurement of the free fall of anti-hydrogen , O. Rousselle, P. Cladé, S. Guellati-Khélifa, R. Guérout, and S. Reynaud, Eur. Phys. J. D 76 209 (2022)

This method is considered as an upgrading option for the GBAR experiment.

A scheme of principle of the quantum interference measurement: an anti-hydrogen atom released from the trap bounces on a flat mirror surface before the free fall which reveals interferences between different quantum states.

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