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Light scattering

Spin Hall effect of light in 2+1D disordered media

In condensed matter, the spin Hall effect refers to the spin-dependent deflection of electron trajectories, caused by spin-orbit coupling. This phenomenon has an optical counterpart, involving the coupling between circular polarization and the orbital angular momentum of a light beam. Such coupling naturally occurs in inhomogeneous media, typically at dielectric interfaces. In 2019, we demonstrated that non-paraxial light beams propagating through transverse spatial disorder exhibit a spin Hall effect [Bardon-Brun, Delande, Cherroret, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123, 043901 (2019)]. The figure on the right illustrates a beam incident on a dielectric with transverse (x,y) refractive index disorder (but no z-axis disorder). For oblique incidence, we showed that the beam undergoes a helicity-dependent lateral shift during propagation. The effect vanishes in the absence of disorder or for linearly polarized beams. This finding, which was the focus of Tamara Bardon-Brun’s PhD, has led to further studies in correlated disordered media [Carlini, Cherroret, Phys. Rev. A 105, 053508 (2022)] and photonic lattices [Carlini, Cherroret, SciPost Phys. 14, 104 (2023)], explored during Federico Carlini’s PhD.

This discovery is significant because it reveals a novel connection between spin-orbit interactions of light and wave propagation in complex media. Fundamentally, it may enable optical simulations of spin-orbit interactions in condensed matter, and practically, it offers a way to control light propagation in complex media via polarization.

Illustration of the spin Hall effect of light in a medium exhibiting transverse disorder (i.e., in the x and y directions only). The incoming beam undergoes a helicity-dependent lateral shift during its propagation

Multiple scattering of light in atomic vapors

When light propagates in an atomic vapor, it experiences a multiple scattering process that may involve subtle interference effects such as coherent backscattering or even Anderson localization. In general, observing these interferences requires the use of sufficiently cold atoms to avoid interference blurring due to the Doppler effect associated with atomic motion.
Recently, however, we explored the possibility of detecting quantum interferences for light in a gas of hot atoms, i.e. interferences that would be robust against the Doppler effect. By considering a gas well above room temperature, we were able to detect and characterize a coherent backscattering effect involving interference between counter-propagating multiple scattering paths between an atom and a mirror (see figure below).
This work involved collaboration with Robin Kaiser’s group at INPHYNI and Jook Walraven from the University of Amsterdam. The observation of mirror-assisted coherent backscattering was detected for light reflected by a cell of rubidium atoms heated to nearly 200°C in [Cherroret et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183203 (2019)]. Following this work, we also conducted an in-depth theoretical analysis of the coherent backscattering of light (this time without a mirror) on hot atoms and proposed potential strategies to observe it [Cherroret et al., Phys. Rev. A 104, 053714 (2021)].

Coherent backscattering of light assisted by a mirror observed in a hot atom cell [Cherroret et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 183203 (2019)]. This phenomenon manifests as an interference ring visible in reflection. In the gas, the interference involves two scattering paths traveled by light between an atom and the output face of the cell in opposite directions

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