Periodically-kicked quantum gases
A past activity of team was focused on the quantum dynamics of periodically-kicked atoms, a system called the quantum kicked rotor, where the phenomenon of dynamical localization takes place. In this context, several fundamental problems have been explored, such as coherent back [Hainaut et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 184101 (2017)] and forward [Hainaut et al., Nature Com. 9, 1382 (2018)] scattering effects , analogous to those encountered in disordered systems, or the multifractal nature of wave functions at the onset of the Anderson transition in the quasi-periodic version of the quantum kicked rotor [P. Akridas-Morel, Phys. Rev. A 100, 043612 (2019)]. These activities have been especially led by Dominique Delande, Nicolas Cherroret and the Quantum Systems group in Lille.
In more recent works, we have explored other types of periodically-driven systems where, in particular, particle interactions are involved. Among them, the nonlinear quantum kicked rotor in the low energy regime, a system where we have identified a long-lived phenomenon of prethermalization [Martinez et al., Phys. Rev. A 106, 043304 (2022)]. Recently we have also studied the quantum dynamics of Bose gases subjected to periodically-kicked interactions [Duval et al., Phys. Rev. A 105, 033309 (2022)]. In this system, the wave function was previously shown to exhibit a fast exponential spreading in momentum space in the limit of infinitely short kicks. By revisiting this problem for kicks or arbitrary duration, we have on the contrary shown that the spreading is not exponential but rather subdiffusive at long time.