Casimir attraction at the cell scale
In collaborations with colleagues, our team has shown that long-range interaction between objects in an ionic fluid, via electromagnetic field fluctuations, may be important for understanding the self-organization at the cell scale.
Biological fluids are media where charges abound, and it is commonly accepted that electromagnetic interactions have a short effective range, due to the screening at long ranges: thanks to a spatial organization of charges of opposite signs, the medium appears at mesoscopic scales as essentially neutral, and forces of electrostatic origin are weak.
Using numerical simulations, our work has shown that some electromagnetic modes (the transverse field modes) propagate in the ionic liquid as they are not affected by screening. Fluctuations in these modes are responsible for a long-range attractive interaction, a Casimir force .
The Casimir force exists between two dielectric spheres in salt water but, in this geometry, the interaction can only exceed the energy of thermal fluctuations present in the liquid when the spheres are very close to each other. The force has been measured in an experiment in the optical tweezers laboratory at the University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
- Probing the screening of the Casimir interaction with optical tweezers, L. B. Pires, D. S. Ether, B. Spreng, G. R. S. Araújo, R. S. Decca, R. S. Dutra, M. Borges, F. S. S. Rosa, G.-L. Ingold, M. J. B. Moura, S. Frases, B. Pontes, H. M. Nussenzveig, S. Reynaud, N. B. Viana, and P. A. Maia Neto; Phys. Rev. Research 3, 033037 (2021)
The force has been shown theoretically to depend on geometrical parameters (radius of each sphere and separation between them) through universal laws
- Universal Casimir Interaction between Two Dielectric Spheres in Salted Water, T. Schoger, B. Spreng, G.-L. Ingold, P. A. Maia Neto, and S. Reynaud; Phys. Rev. Lett. 128, 230602 (2022)
In a collaboration with colleagues at Gulliver laboratory in ESPCI, UC Davis (USA), Jülich (Germany), EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland) and the University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), we have studied the geometry of dielectric cylinders in salt water, and shown that the Casimir interaction has a much larger magnitude in this case, as it is proportional to the length of the cylinders. The binding energy between actin filaments grouped together in bundles within the cell thus exceeds the energy of thermal fluctuations in this biologically relevant situation.
This interaction exhibits universality properties as it does not depend on the detailed dielectric properties of the filaments and the solvent, making the results of this work applicable to multiple configurations of biological or physico-chemical interest involving cylindrical structures. The long range of Casimir interactions is in particular expected to have important effects on the cohesion and self-assembly of filamentary structures of biological media at cell scale.
- “Universal Casimir attraction between filaments at the cell scale”, B. Spreng, H. Berthoumieux, A. Lambrecht, A-F. Bitbol, P. Maia Neto, et S. Reynaud, New J. Phys. 26, 013009 (2024)
- Questions can be sent to Serge Reynaud