Yvonne Y. Gao
Quantum information processing via on-demand light-matter interaction
Date & hour
20/11/2024 – 11 am
4 place Jussieu 75005
Amphi Charpak
A coffee will be offered starting at 10:45 am, the seminar will start at 11am
The diverse applications of light-matter interactions in science and technology stem from the qualitatively distinct ways these interactions manifest. I will present a series of experimental work that employs the light field of high-Q superconducting cavities coupled to non-linear circuit elements to harness the rich dynamics of their interactions for quantum information processing.
With these versatile bosonic cQED systems, we show the ability to create, manipulate, and
characterise complex non-Gaussian resource states [1] and achieve loss protection for them through phase-space engineering [2]. Moreover, by incorporating frequency-tunablility in our devices, we can effectively probe the intersections of different light-matter interaction regimes on demand [3]. Our work shows that bosonic cQED systems, albeit small in scale, provide a powerful platform to explore quantum information science and applications.
[1] Xiaozhou Pan, Jonathan Schwinger, Ni-Ni Huang, Pengtao Song, Weipin Chua, Fumiya Hanamura, Atharv Joshi, Fernando Valadares, Radim Filip, and Yvonne Y. Gao. Protecting the quantum interference of cat states by phase-space compression. Physical Review X, 13(2), 2023.
[2] Tanjung Krisnanda, Clara Yun Fontaine, Adrian Copetudo, Pengtao Song, Kai Xiang Lee, Ni-Ni Huang, Fernando Valadares, Timothy C. H. Liew, and Yvonne Y. Gao. Demonstrating efficient and robust bosonic state reconstruction via optimized excitation counting, 2024.
[3] Fernando Valadares, Ni-Ni Huang, Kyle Chu, Aleksandr Dorogov, Weipin Chua, Lingda Kong, Pengtao Song, and Yvonne Y. Gao. On-demand transposition across light-matter interaction regimes in bosonic cqed, 2023.