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  3. Leonardo Fallani

30/10/2019Séminaires du LKB

Leonardo Fallani

Synthetic quantum systems with multi-component atoms

Date & heure

Sorbonne université – Campus Jussieu – 4, place Jussieu – 75005 Paris – 30th of octobre at 13:45, room T44/54 107 1er floor


Ultracold gases of neutral atoms provide a powerful technological platform for engineering synthetic many-body quantum systems. In a “quantum simulation” perspective, it is possible to control the atomic state to provide direct experimental realizations of prototypical theoretical models and to achieve “extreme” states of matter with no counterpart in conventional materials.

I will give an introduction to the new approaches that are opened by the coherent, optical manipulation of internal states in ultracold Fermi gases of two-electron atoms. I will review quantum simulation approaches for the realization of gauge fields and topological systems based on the concept of “synthetic dimensions” and I will discuss ongoing experiments with multicomponent Hubbard systems with SU(N) and SU(N)-broken interaction symmetries.