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20/10/2019Séminaires du LKB

Olivier Arcizet

Nano-optomechanics with vibrating nanowires

Date & heure

Sorbonne université – Campus jussieu – 4, place jussieu – 75005 Paris – 20th november at 13h45, room : T44/54 107 1er floor


We will present our recent developments in the realisation of ultrasensitive vectorial force field sensors based on suspended silicon carbide nanowires, at room and dilution temperatures. We will introduce a universal measurement method where the 2D force field gradients are determined from the modifications of the nanowire eigenfrequencies and eigenvector orientations they induce [1]. In particular we will analyse the impact of non-conservative (rotational) force fields on the nanowire dynamics: leading to eigenmode orthogonality breaking, noise reduction and violation of the fluctuation dissipation relation [2]. We will then present how those exceptional force sensors can be implemented in a cavity nano-optomechanical experiment where we giant coupling strength achieved opens the road towards optomechanical experiments in the single photon regime.

[1] L. Mercier de Lépinay et al, Nature Nanotech. 12, 156 (2017) 

[2] L. Mercier de Lépinay et al, Nature Comm. 9, 1401(2018) 

[3] F. Fogliano et al, arxiv 1904.01140 (2019)