Marco Túlio QUINTINO
Parallel, sequential, and non-causal strategies for transforming unitary operations and discriminating quantum channel via a higher-order approach
Date & heure
16 mars 2023, 14h
Sorbonne Université – LKB – Room 210 – Tour 13/23 – 2e – Campus Jussieu – Paris 5e
Higher-order quantum operations is a paradigm where operations, such as quantum channels and unitary gates, play the role of a quantum states and are viewed as objects which may be subjected to transformations. In this talk, we show how the framework of higher-order quantum operations provide powerful mathematical methods to tackle several problems in quantum information. We will conduct our talk following two motivating and recurring examples, the problem of designing quantum circuits for inverting an arbitrary unitary operation and how to computationally tackle different strategies for discriminating quantum operations. In the end of the talk, we will also discuss the constraints imposed by causality and how strategies without a definite causal order may be used as a resource in quantum information processing.
This talk will cover results from various papers, such as: