Carsten Klempt
Entanglement in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Date & heure
Sorbonne université – Campus Jussieu – 4, place Jussieu – 75005 Paris – 6th of november at 13:45, room T44/54 107 1er floor
Spin-changing collisions can be employed for the generation of entanglement in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates, in close analogy to optical parametric down-conversion. I will present the creation of two types of entangled states, Twin-Fock states and two-mode squeezed states. Both states can be applied for interferometry beyond the Standard Quantum Limit. We have demonstrated that such entangled states can be separated in the spatial domain to transfer the entanglement from internal to external degrees of freedom [1]. I will discuss methods to employ spin-entangled Bose-Einstein condensates for inertially sensitive atom interferometers.
[1] K. Lange, J. Peise, B. Lucke, I. Kruse, G. Vitagliano, I. Apellaniz, M. Kleinmann, G. Toth, C. Klempt, Entanglement between two spatially separated atomic modes, Science 360, 416 (2018).