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Nacher, P.-J. Magnetic-field coils for metastability-exchange optical pumping, spectroscopy, and magnetic resonance of helium. Review of Scientific Instruments 95, 083306 (2024).
Loutfi, H., Tastevin, G., Nacher, P.-J., Kuzmin, V. & Safiullin, K. Diffusion anisotropy of Helium-3 gas in ordered Al2O3 aerogels. in The 20th European Magnetic Resonance Congress (EUROMAR 2024) (Bilbao, Spain, 2024).
Makarchenko, A. et al. Progress in polarization of 3He atoms in a magnetized plasma (PAMP). in (2023).
Loutfi, H. et al. Gas diffusion and relaxation within ordered Al2O3 aerogels. in (2023).
Loutfi, H., Tastevin, G. & Nacher, P.-J. Design of optimal low-frequency NMR detection coils. in (2023).
Tastevin, G., Nacher, P.-J. & Bidinosti, C. P. Challenges and solutions for accurate magnetization reversal and tipping outside the RWA. in (2023).
Loutfi, H. et al. 3He gas diffusion in anisotropic porous media (ordered Al2O3 aerogels). in Congrès du GERM 2023 ”Résonance Magnétique aux Extrêmes” (Murol, France, 2023).
Djadaojee, L., Parisi, C., Noûs, C. & Grucker, J. Measurement of the Equation of State of Superfluid Helium-4 at Negative Pressure. Journal of Low Temperature Physics (2023).
Bidinosti, C. P., Tastevin, G. & Nacher, P.-J. Generating accurate tip angles for NMR outside the rotating-wave approximation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 345, 107306 (2022).
Laloë, F. Quantum mechanics is routinely used in laboratories with great success, but no consensus on its interpretation has emerged. in The Oxford handbook of The history of quantum interpretations, chatpter 1. O Freire Jr Editor (2022).
Djadaojee, L. & Grucker, J. Brillouin Spectroscopy of Metastable Superfluid Helium-4. Physical Review Letters 129, 125301 (2022).
Laloë, F. Gravitational quantum collapse in dilute systems. Comptes Rendus. Physique 23, 27–40 (2022).
Dia, A., Abboud, M., Nacher, P.-J. & Tastevin, G. Doppler-free spectroscopy of the lowest triplet states of helium using double optical resonance. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 75, 223 (2021).
Djadaojee, L., Douillet, A. & Grucker, J. Stimulated Brillouin Gain Spectroscopy of Superfluid Helium-4. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 203, 234–243 (2021).
Djadaojee, L. & Grucker, J. Optical measurement of the equation of state of bulk liquid helium-4 around 1 K. Physical Review B 103, 144513 (2021).
Laloë, F. Symétries Continues. (EDP Sciences, 2021).
Tastevin, G. & Laloë, F. The outcomes of measurements in the de Broglie–Bohm theory. Comptes Rendus. Physique 22, 99–116 (2021).
Laloë, F. A model of quantum collapse induced by gravity. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 74, (2020).
Kuzmin, V. V. & Nacher, P.-J. Signal feedback applications in low-field NMR and MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310, 106622 (2020).
Djadaojee, L., Douillet, A. & Grucker, J. Stimulated Brillouin gain spectroscopy in a confined spatio-temporal domain (30 μm, 170 ns). European Physical Journal: Applied Physics 89, 30701 (2020).
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. & Laloë, F. Quantum Mechanics, Vol III. (Wiley, 2020).
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. & Laloë, F. Kvantovaia Mekannika, 3. (2020).
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. & Laloë, F. Quanten-Mechanik, Band III. (de Gruyter, 2020).
Grucker, J. Metastable Phases of Liquid and Solid 4 He. Journal of Low Temperature Physics 197, 149–166 (2019).
Ali, D., Pierre-Jean, N., Marie, A. & Geneviève, T. Spectroscopic study of collisions in the 23P state of 3He and 4He in low pressure gas discharges. in 25 ème congrès général de la Société Française de Physique (Nantes, France, 2019).
Laloë, F. Quantum collapse dynamics with attractive densities. Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015] 99, (2019).
Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B. & Laloë, F. Mécanique Quantique, Tome III, 2e Édition. (EDPS, 2019).
Laloë, F. Do We Really Understand Quantum Mechanics? 2nd Edition. (Cambridge University Press, 2019).
Nacher, P.-J., Kumaragamage, S., Tastevin, G. & Bidinosti, C. P. A fast MOSFET rf switch for low-field NMR and MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 310, 106638 (2019).
Maul, A. et al. Nuclear hyperpolarization of He3 by magnetized plasmas. Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015] 98, (2018).
Grucker, J. Metastable Solid and Liquid Helium-4. (Sorbonne Université , UPMC, 2018).
Nacher, P.-J., Tastevin, G. & Bidinosti, C. P. Exploration of TRASE MRI at Low Magnetic Field: Potential Performance and Limitations. in European Magnetic Resonance Meeting EUROMAR 2018 574 (Nantes, France, 2018).
Tastevin, G., Nacher, P.-J. & Kuzmin, V. New Insights on Precession Instabilities in Highly Polarized Liquids. in 2018 European Magnetic Resonance Meeting (Euromar 2018) (Nantes, France, 2018).
Nacher, P.-J., Kumaragamage, S., Tastevin, G. & Bidinosti, C. A Fast MOSFET Switch for RF Pulse Management and Shaping in Low-Field NMR and MRI. in European Magnetic Resonance Meeting EUROMAR 2018 (Nantes, France, 2018).
Bidinosti, C. B., Nacher, P.-J. & Tastevin, G. Concomitant B1 Field in Low-Field MRI: Potential Contributions to TRASE Image Artefacts. in Joint annual meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018 vol. 26 2670 (Proc. of the Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Paris, France, 2018).
Nacher, P.-J., Kumaragamage, S., Tastevin, G. & Bidinosti, C. P. A Fast MOSFET RF Switch for TRASE MRI at Low Magnetic Field. in Joint annual meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018 vol. 26 1699 (Proc. of the Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Paris, France, 2018).
Bidinosti, C. B., Nacher, P.-J. & Tastevin, G. Unconventional trajectories on the Bloch Sphere: A closer look at the effects and consequences of the breakdown of the rotating wave approximation. in Joint annual meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018 vol. 26 2701 (Proc. of the Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med., Paris, France, 2018).
Tastevin, G. & Laloë, F. Surrealistic Bohmian trajectories do not occur with macroscopic pointers. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 72, 183 (2018).
Gentile, T. R., Nacher, P. \, j., Saam, B. & Walker, T. G. Optically polarized He 3. Reviews of Modern Physics 89, (2017).
Laloë, F. Comprenons-Nous Vraiment La Mécanique Quantique? 2e Édition. (EDP Sciences, 2017).
Hayden, M. E. & Nacher, P.-J. History and physical principles of MRI. in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Handbook (ed. SABA, L.) vol. 1 (CRC press, 2016).
Kuzmin, V. V., Bidinosti, C. P., Hayden, M. E. & Nacher, P.-J. An improved shielded RF transmit coil for low-frequency NMR and MRI. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 256, 70–76 (2015).
Laloë, F. Modified Schrödinger dynamics with attractive densities. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 69, (2015).
Mullin, W. J. & Laloë, F. Interference Effects in Potential-Wells. Physical Review X 91, 053629 (2015).
Taillard, P.-A., Laloë, F., Gross, M., Dalmont, J.-P. & Kergomard, J. Statistical estimation of mechanical parameters of clarinet reeds using experimental and numerical approaches. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 100, 555–573 (2014).
Laloë, F. & Mullin, W. J. Heating of trapped ultracold atoms by collapse dynamics. Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015] 90, 052119 (2014).
Nikiel-Osuchowska, A. et al. Metastability exchange optical pumping of 3He gas up to hundreds of millibars at 4.7 Tesla. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 67, 200 (2013).
Gentile, T. R. et al. Comment on ”Enhanced polarization and mechanisms in optically pumped hyperpolarized 3He in the presence of 4He”. Physical Review A : Atomic, molecular, and optical physics [1990-2015] 88, 017401 (2013).
Morgan, S. W. et al. Multiple echoes due to distant dipolar fields in NMR of hyperpolarized noble gas solutions. The European Physical Journal D : Atomic, molecular, optical and plasma physics 67:29 (2013) http://doi.org/10.1140/epjd/e2012-30470-0.
Safiullin, K., Talbot, C. & Nacher, P.-J. Achieving high spatial resolution and high SNR in low-field MRI of hyperpolarised gases with Slow Low Angle SHot. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 227, 72–86 (2013).
Noreland, D. et al. The logical clarinet: numerical optimization of the geometry of woodwind instruments. Acta Acustica united with Acustica 99, 615–628 (2013).

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